Dr. Craig McMains specializes in a wide range of traditional, minimally invasive, and new treatments and techniques to help patients live pain-free, return to normal life, and get more active.

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

The term “minimally invasive” pertains to surgical techniques that use small incisions and the least amount of impact to the patient as possible. Traditional “open back” spine surgeries pose certain risks due to the methods used to reach the part of the back or neck that requires attention, while minimally invasive spine surgery uses techniques designed to target the affected area of the spine without significant disruption to muscles and other tissues.

Minimally invasive spine surgery techniques involve very small incisions, as well as limited blood loss and tissue damage. Dr McMains has even undergone rigorous training to perform the latest lateral lumbar interbody fusions. This technique involves a fusion of the lower spine without the need for any incisions on the back itself. All of this means recovery from most minimally invasive surgery is relatively fast. With our Rapid Recovery Protocol, most patients are even up, walking, and able to go home within 23 hours of treatment.

Conditions that indicate a need for minimally invasive spine surgery are generally the same as those for traditional open surgery, including:

  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Sciatica
  • Pinched Nerve
  • Herniated Disc
  • Disc Degeneration
  • Bulging Disc


Artificial Disc Replacement

Between each vertebra in the spine lie spongy discs that act as shock absorbers during impact and allow the spine to move and bend smoothly. Artificial disc replacement surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that replaces a damaged disc with an artificial implant. Artificial discs mimic the form and function of your spine’s natural disc. This minimally-invasive procedure can provide relief for disc-related back pain and return your spine to the full range of motion. Dr McMains has been trained on a variety of implant systems and will help determine which one the best individual choice for you.

Minimally invasive artificial disc replacement surgery can be used to treat a wide range of spinal disc related conditions including:

  • Herniated disc
  • Pinched nerve
  • Disc degeneration
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Radiculopathy
  • Failed Surgeries

Complex Spine Surgery

McMains Spine treats a variety of spine conditions, including scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis. Dr. McMains is an expert in minimally invasive treatments for patients with complex spine conditions. Contact us if you are seeking a second opinion or diagnosis and treatment of degenerative disorders, fractures, scoliosis, tumors, disc disease, spinal stenosis, and spinal instability. We treat patients from around the greater Indianapolis area who have chronic pain stemming from a variety of causes


Microdiscectomy is a minimally-invasive treatment that removes damaged disc material that is pressing on nearby nerves or the spinal cord causing weakness and pain in the legs or back. There are many conditions or diagnosis’s than can benefit from a microdiscectomy, including:


  • Bulging Disc
  • Disc Degeneration
  • Failed Back Surgery 
  • Herniated Disc 
  • Lower Back Pain 
  • Pinched Nerve 
  • Radiculopathy
  • Sciatica 
  • Spinal Stenosis


Microlaminectomy, or as Dr McMains calls it a “microdecompression”, is a spinal decompression surgery that is used to alleviate pinching and narrowing around the nerves. Microlaminectomy is a minimally invasive version of a traditional laminectomy, allowing for less pain and a faster recovery. It is often recommended to ease symptoms caused by the arthritic changes that occur with degenerative disc disease and spondylosis. This minimally-invasive treatment may also be recommended if nerve-based pain is linked to:


  • Lumbar spinal stenosis
  • Bone spurs or osteophytes
  • Bulging discs
  • Spondylolisthesis

Motion Preserving Spine Surgery

Technology and research are leading to rapid changes within the field of spine surgery. Whereas spinal fusion was the typical surgical solution for all historical spine problems, we now have a variety of techniques and implants that allow us to preserve the normal kinematics and motion of the spine. This theoretically leads to better outcomes and a decreased rate of needing future surgery for adjacent levels. Disc replacement is one example of this as are devices like the Vertiflex or Coflex. Dr McMains is well versed on all of the latest advancements and techniques.

Outpatient Spine Surgery

Outpatient spine surgery options are designed to help our patients feel better faster. Dr. McMains has the skills and expertise to provide safe and effective surgical treatments in a manner that reduces your pain, speeds your recovery, and helps you get back to doing the things you love.

In many cases, spine surgery can be performed on an outpatient basis which means you can return to your normal life the very next day. All of our procedures are performed in a minimally invasive manner to reduce the trauma caused by traditional, open surgery. We offer multiple treatment options and once we have completed an initial evaluation we will discuss all of the treatment options available with you in order to determine which is best for your condition.

Revision Spine Surgery

Revision Spine Surgery is a procedure for patients who have continued pain after their initial back surgery. Many patients have already undergone their first back surgery and are suffering from severe pain that has not been relieved by the previous procedure. Revision Spine Surgery can help relieve the pain associated with Failed Back Syndrome (FBS). If you’ve had a previous surgery which was unsuccessful, you may be suffering from Failed Back Syndrome. If your symptoms do not improve after your first surgery, then you may need revision spinal surgery. Revision spinal surgery can provide significant pain relief to those suffering from failed back syndrome symptoms. Dr McMains is specially trained to deal with complex and revision cases and can potentially treat your chronic pain.

SI Fusion

Sacroiliac Fusion (SIF) is the only non-surgical, non invasive procedure to treat sacroiliac joint pain. The SI joint is located at the base of the spine, and serves at the connection to the hip and pelvis. This procedure fuses the sacrum and the pelvis together to relieve the pain caused by degenerative arthritis in the joints. Specialized implants are placed across the SIJ in order to help stabilize it while fusion occurs over time. Dr. McMains has a proven track record in accurately selecting if this surgery can help patients suffering from sacroiliac joint pain.

Spinal Fusion

Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure that reduces or eliminates pain in the spine by permanently connecting two or more vertebrae in your spine, eliminating painful movement and thereby restoring spine stability.

Spinal fusions are most commonly performed on the lower, or Lumbar, portion of the spine but can be used on any vertebrae level. A spinal fusion limits painful instability at the treatment level while still allowing range of motion across the rest of the spine. It is sometimes required to perform a fusion in a stable segment if a large amount of bone must be removed to decompress the nerves. Most of Dr. McMains’ patients do not notice a functional decrease in their overall range of motion.